Dr Mark Nelson
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Foot and Ankle Injuries
Foot and Ankle Injuries
Immediate Treatment
Foot and ankle emergencies happen every day. Broken bones,
dislocations, sprains, contusions, infections, and other serious injuries
can occur at any time. Early attention is vitally important. Whenever you
sustain a foot or ankle injury, you should seek immediate treatment from a
podiatric physician.
That advice is universal, even though there are lots of
myths about foot and ankle injuries. Some of them follow.
"It can't be broken, because I can move it."
False; this widespread idea has kept many fractures from receiving
proper treatment. The truth is that often you can walk with certain kinds
of fractures. Some common examples: breaks of the thinner of the two leg
bones; small "chip" fractures of either foot or ankle bones; and the
frequently neglected fracture of a toe.
"If you break a toe, immediate care isn't necessary."
False; a toe fracture needs prompt attention. If X-rays reveal it to be
a simple, displaced fracture, care by your podiatrist usually can
produce rapid relief. However, X-rays might identify a displaced or
angulated break. In such cases, prompt realignment of the fracture by
your podiatric physician will help prevent improper or incomplete
healing. Many patients develop post-fracture deformity of a toe, which
in turn results in formation of a painfully deformed toe with a most
painful corn. A good general rule is: Seek prompt treatment for injury
to foot bones.
"If you have a foot or ankle injury, soak it in hot water
immediately." False; don't use heat or hot water if you
suspect a fracture, sprain, or dislocation. Heat promotes blood flow,
causing greater swelling. More swelling means greater pressure on the
nerves, which causes more pain. An ice bag wrapped in a towel has a
contracting effect on blood vessels, produces a numbing effect, and
prevents swelling and pain. After seeing a podiatric physician, warm
compresses and soaks may be used.
"Applying an elastic bandage to a severely sprained ankle is
adequate treatment." False; ankle sprains often mean torn or
severely overstretched ligaments, and they should receive immediate
care. X-ray examination, immobilization by casting or splinting, and
physiotherapy to insure a normal recovery all may be indicated. Surgery
may even be necessary.
"The terms 'fracture,' 'break,' and 'crack' are all different."
False; all of those words are proper in describing a broken bone.
Before Seeing the Podiatrist
If an injury or accident does occur, the steps you can take
to help yourself until you can reach your podiatric physician are easy to
remember if you can recall the word "rice."
Rest. Cut back on your
activity, and get off your feet if you can.
Ice. Gently place a plastic bag of ice, or
ice wrapped in a towel, on the injured area in a 20-minute-on,
40-minute-off cycle.
Compression. Lightly wrap an Ace bandage
around the area, taking care not to pull it too tight.
Elevation. Sit in a position that you can
elevate the foot higher than the waist, to reduce swelling and pain.
Switch to a soft shoe or slipper, preferably one that your podiatrist
can cut up in the office if it needs to be altered to accommodate a
bulky dressing.
For bleeding cuts, cleanse well, apply pressure with gauze or a towel,
and cover with a clean dressing. It's best not to use any medication on
the cut before you see the doctor.
Leave blisters unopened if they are not painful or swollen.
Foreign materials in the skin, such as slivers, splinters, and sand, can
be removed carefully with a sterile instrument. A deep foreign object,
such as broken glass or a needle, must be removed professionally.
Treatment for an abrasion is similar to that of a burn, since raw skin
is exposed to the air and can easily become infected. Cleansing is
important to remove all foreign particles. Sterile bandages should be
applied, along with an antibiotic cream or ointment.
Wear the correct shoes for any event. Good walking shoes
provide more comfort and better balance.
Wear hiking shoes or boots in rough terrain.
Different sports activities call for specific footwear to protect feet
and ankles. Use the correct shoes for each sport. Don't wear any sports
shoe beyond its useful life.
Wear safety shoes if you're in an occupation which threatens foot
safety. There are specific safety shoes for a variety of on-the-job
conditions. Be certain they are fitted properly.
Always wear hard-top shoes when operating a lawn mower or other
grass-cutting equipment.
Don't walk barefoot on paved streets or sidewalks.
Watch out for slippery floors at home and at work. Clean up obviously
dangerous spills immediately.
If you get up during the night, turn on a light. Many fractured toes and
other foot injuries occur while attempting to find your way in the dark.
Printer Friendly Format
Injury Treatment Tips
From The APMA |
RICE is the first step
Rest. Cut back on your
activity, and get off your feet if you can.
Ice. Gently place a plastic bag
of ice, or ice wrapped in a towel, on the injured area in a 20-minute-on,
40-minute-off cycle.
Compression. Lightly wrap an
Ace bandage around the area, taking care not to pull it too tight.
Elevation. Sit in a position
that you can elevate the foot higher than the waist, to reduce swelling and
Switch to a soft shoe or slipper, preferably one that your podiatrist can
cut up in the office if it needs to be altered to accommodate a bulky
For bleeding cuts, cleanse well, apply pressure with gauze or a towel, and
cover with a clean dressing. It's best not to use any medication on the cut
before you see the doctor.
Leave blisters unopened if they are not painful or swollen.
Foreign materials in the skin, such as slivers, splinters, and sand, can be
removed carefully with a sterile instrument. A deep foreign object, such as
broken glass or a needle, must be removed professionally.
Treatment for an abrasion is similar to that of a burn, since raw skin is
exposed to the air and can easily become infected. Cleansing is important to
remove all foreign particles. Sterile bandages should be applied, along with
an antibiotic cream or ointment.
Your podiatric physician/surgeon has been
trained specifically and extensively in the diagnosis and treatment of all
manners of foot conditions. This training encompasses all of the intricately
related systems and structures of the foot and lower leg including
neurological, circulatory, skin, and the musculoskeletal system, which
includes bones, joints, ligaments, tendons, muscles, and nerves.
Reprinted with permission from the American Podiatric Medical Association.