Dr Mark Nelson Foot & Ankle Specialist
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*****The original Phase 4 Orthotics
have been discontinued and replaced by the new WalkFit Orthotics
by Phase 4. Click
here to go to that web page.*****
Manufacturer's Product InformationPhase 4 orthotics are pre-molded arch
supports (orthotics) which effectively realign your bones, joints, tendons
and muscles into a more anatomically correct and biomechanically functional
position. Helps alleviate heel pain, plantar fasciitis ("heel
spurs"), neuromas, arthritis, flat feet, tendonitis, general foot
fatigue, knee pain and lower back pain caused by misalignment of the foot. Compare these inexpensive orthotics
for only $19.95 to similar pre-molded models being sold by national
chain stores for over $150. If you still need more biomechanical
control for your foot problems, you may need to consider custom-made
prescription orthotics, which are made by Podiatrists from foot molds of
your feet. Key Benefits
Ordering Information Phase 4 Orthotics™
Dr. Nelson's "Top 10 Tips" for Treating Plantar Fasciitis (aka - "Heel Spurs")1) Wear a
custom-made prescription orthotic (best treatment) or a
high quality pre-made type
arch support, like Orthofeet BioSole.
- *very important* You don't have to suffer with heel pain. You can get rid of your heel pain if you follow each of the top 5 suggestions listed above. If you do each of the top 5 suggestions on a daily basis, you have over a 90% chance of eliminating your pain due to plantar fasciitis (heel spurs). Successfully relieving plantar fasciitis heel pain requires using a variety of synergistic treatment modalities. The goal is to stop the activities which are irritating the plantar fascia, position the foot into the correct anatomical alignment, reduce strain on the plantar fascia while standing/walking, calm down the inflammation and stretch out the plantar fascia, so that it can heal properly in an elongated position. The longer you let heel pain go untreated, the harder it becomes to eliminate the pain. For most people, using a combination of arch supports/orthotics, a night splint while sleeping or sitting down, stretching twice daily and modifying their activities is sufficient to make their plantar fasciitis heel pain progressively resolve. Fortunately, surgery is rarely needed. Keep a positive attitude and remember that, yes, you can usually eliminate your heel pain by using these treatment suggestions. The Strassburg Sock ™The Strassburg Sock treats plantar fasciitis heel pain at night while you sleep in comfort. Plantar fasciitis is also commonly called "heel spur syndrome" or "heel spurs". This style of night splint is much more comfortable to wear while sleeping than traditional hard plastic back (or front) style night splints. Plus, the Strassburg Sock night splint is much less expensive than most other styles of night splints. Orthogel Pain Relief Gel with Ilex Compare to BioFreeze. Orthogel is a topical pain killing gel that provides long-lasting relief from a range of ailments, including heel pain, plantar fasciitis, tendonitis, arthritis, back pain, strained muscles, painful joints, sprains and sports-related injuries. Orthogel starts to work in minutes and provides deep penetrating pain relief for hours. Medical Information and Treatment of Plantar FasciitisFor more information on the symptoms and treatment of plantar fasciitis heel pain ("heel spurs"), visit our "Foot and Ankle Medical Information" page. To read more about different causes of heel pain, click here. Which Orthotic / Arch Support Should I Use?Dr Nelson's comments:
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